Saturday, September 27, 2003

Arnold told us he's had experience signing people's checks on the front side...

But he didn't say it had been done lately. Solid money management on its way to the Golden State.

Schwarzenegger race now owes $2.4 million
By Don Thompson

SACRAMENTO - Arnold Schwarzenegger's campaign accounts owe more than $2.4 million in unpaid bills to consultants and other creditors, leaving more cash free for his time-compressed governor's recall campaign.

Schwarzenegger, who promises to trim government overhead if he is elected to replace Gov. Gray Davis, is spending $500,000 a month on campaign consultants, new campaign reports show.

Many of his consultants, fund-raisers and office expenses have not been paid, however, freeing up that money for advertising and other creditors who demand payment up front, campaign treasurer Colleen McAndrews said Friday.

The high debt is a result of fund raising that slowed down as a federal appellate court considered postponing the election, McAndrews said. "We're hoping it picks back up."

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