Sunday, December 21, 2003

Kerry has no money, less real support

Clark continues to position himself well to emerge early next year as the clear choice against Dean. He has the support of two of the most recognizable African-American political leaders and he has enough grass roots support to easily exceed the number of signatures to be placed on the South Carolina ballot. John Kerry on the other hand, opted to pay the $2,500 filing fee instead of getting the requisite number of voters' signatures, even though he recently had to mortgage his house just to stay afloat in the campaign.

Young stands by Clark in S.C.

COLUMBIA -- With former Atlanta Mayor Andrew Young at his side, retired Gen. Wesley Clark on Sunday presented 4,000 petition signatures to qualify for South Carolina's Democratic presidential primary ballot.

Clark became the second of the nine candidates for the Democratic nomination to file for the Feb. 3 ballot. Campaign workers for Sen. John Kerry of Massachusetts gave the state Democratic Party a check for $2,500 last week to qualify.

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