Friday, December 26, 2003

Bush ain't afeared of no brain wastin' disease

As Clark supporter, and fellow Rhodes Scholar, Kris Kristofferson once said, "Freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose."

Bush Still Eating Beef Despite Scare, Aide Says

CRAWFORD, Texas (Reuters) - President Bush, the former governor of the nation's top cattle state, has no plans to stop eating beef despite growing worry about mad cow disease, a White House spokesman said on Friday.

"He's continued to eat beef," White House spokesman Scott McClellan told reporters traveling with the president to his ranch. The U.S. food supply is safe and public risk from the discovery of the disease is low, McClellan added.

The president had had beef "in the last couple of days," McClellan said.

Economic stakes in the U.S. mad cow scare rose as Venezuela and Egypt joined some two dozen nations that have halted imports of U.S. beef. Food company stocks and cattle prices tumbled as investors worried that U.S. consumers could begin to eat less beef.

The U.S. Agriculture Department quarantined a second herd of cattle in Washington state as the $27 billion U.S. cattle industry came to grips with its first case of the deadly, brain-wasting disease, first found in the United States in a dairy cow in rural Washington state.

Bush says, "Until they find it in a state I can find on a map, I ain't worrying about it."


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