Tuesday, February 24, 2004

Return of the living Bork

No, not Bjork. I'm talking about the fat guy with the wierd beard who hates privacy and mankind in general. We were so right to Bork (verb) Bork (proper noun). Not only would he have been the ugliest bastard to ever sit on the Court, he and Scalia would constantly be trying to out-extreme the other.

The Borkster got his nasty mits on the ammendment favored by the former state's rights governor.

A handful of conservatives argue that the sentence defining marriage as heterosexual should preclude any provision of marital benefits to same-sex couples, no matter what the name. A few gay legal advocates contend that future courts might interpret the amendment to block enforcement of any laws conferring benefits on same-sex couples.

"Constitutions are interpreted over time," said Evan Wolfson, executive director of Freedom to Marry, a group opposed to the amendment. "You don't write a gamble like that into the Constitution."

Robert H. Bork, the conservative former judge and former Supreme Court nominee and a leading drafter of the amendment, called that argument "preposterous." He said that the text clearly restricted only courts, not legislatures. What is more, Mr. Bork said, the public debate over the amendment would determine how any court interpreted it. If voters approving the amendment believed it meant one thing, courts would be hard pressed to say it meant another.

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